Thursday, June 18, 2015

14 Great Tutorials Using Photoshop (How I learned Photoshop) Part 1

Hello readers!!! Today I want to share how I learned Photoshop and hopefully help those very new to Photoshop 
I have been doing Photoshop since Photoshop CS2 first came out and have self taught my self using tutorials on the internet. I was a complete beginner not knowing how to even navigate Photoshop let alone create something. So what did i do? I went to that great thing we call internet and started searching all over for tutorials on how to use Photoshop. 
The best way I foundt to learn Photoshop was to jump right in with tutorials on how to create art in Photoshop. Now I cant give you every tutorial I used to help me learn because I don't even know where to begin to look for all the ones i used since they have been lost to time, but I can give you some that have helped me along the way.

So now without further ado i present,
 "14 Great Tutorials Using Photoshop"
This one helped me learn how to mask in Photoshop!

This one helped me to learn certain tools!
This one helped teach me about retouching up photos!!

This one was helped me when i was looking all over the internet on how to install the brushes I needed from other tutorials!

This one helped me with Layers!
This helped me create scales on skin and change color of the hair!
 This one taught me how to color eyes and make them look amazing!

The rest of the Tutorials in Part 2!

Glamour Model
Glamour Model

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