Monday, June 29, 2015

Product Review: Derwent Inktense Pencils

Derwent Inktense Colored Pencils

 I would like to talk about this product and review it. 
First the description of the product on Dick is as follows.

Derwent Inktense Pencils are as versatile as watercolor pencils, but with a firmer texture that allows them to perform with the brilliant intensity of traditional pen-and-ink. These pencils are available in strong, vibrant colors which work beautifully on their own or can be mixed together to create rich, subtle tones. The pure, clean colors are perfect for bold expressive drawings, including fashion illustration, landscapes, greeting cards, and more.
Inktense pencils can be used dry for rich, intense color or washed out with a little water to create a vivid translucent effect. Once dry, the color is permanent and can be worked over with other media. Pencils are pre-sharpened.

The Review: These pencils come in sets of 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 and to get the "Bold and Vibrant" Ink color from these pencils you just have to add water and Walla!! Beautifull Ink.

These pencils can be used in multiple ways to get the "bold and vibrant" effect. You can dip the pencils in water directly and then apply it to paper. Though the watered pencil does not last long before you have to dip it in water again.
Another way is to draw and color your art with the pencils and then using a paintbrush dipped in water you can blend the pencil colors to get a great effect. I prefer this way as it is less time consuming and gets a better blended effect than the watered pencil way.
You do have to work fast because once the ink drys you will not be able to blend it again.

Over all these pencils are great with just a few flaws.

*Where you can Buy*
Dick Blick
These are just some of the links i would do a search to find the best prices near you.
 Have you tried out this product? If so leave your comments below on your experience I would love to hear it. :)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Tutorial: Vintage Dream Catcher

I love it when you take something ordinary and make it vintage. Which is the case with this 
Vintage Dream Catcher by The Forge Blog

I love how delicate and pretty she made hers and can't wait to try and make one!!

Check out her other tutorials here.

New Tutorial: Alcohol Inks Gems

Great Tutorial by Sarah Jane's Craft Blog.
I can't wait to try it!!!
She Also Revisits the Tutorial here.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Finger Print Art

This would be so much fun to do if you want to do something easy.
This image is from this book.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Made It: ATC Tutorial

Here is the art i mad using this ATC Tutorial.
It was fun and easy to do!!

"Show Me Yours"
Have you done this tutorial? Tell me about it in the comments and post a link so we can see your crafty creation!!

Mono Printing With No Gelli Plate

Check out these different ways to do a mono print without a gelli plate.

Tell Me What You Think In A Comment :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tips Using Glitter

Here are some great tips when crafting with glitter!! :)

New Tutorial: Galaxy Print

Check out this awesome tutorial on how to paint a galaxy by Sea Lemon. Also check out her other video tutorials while your at it they are amazing!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

"16 Harry Potter DIY Crafts For All You Wizards And Witches Out There"

Whether you’re Ravenclaw or Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor, you will love these Harry Potter themed crafts!

I have always been a fan of Harry Potter and thought why not find crafts related to it. 
So here you go "16 Harry Potter DIY Crafts"!

Do you know of a Harry Potter Themed Craft and would like to share?
Post it in the comments :)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

14 Great Tutorials Using Photoshop (How I learned Photoshop) Part 1

Hello readers!!! Today I want to share how I learned Photoshop and hopefully help those very new to Photoshop 
I have been doing Photoshop since Photoshop CS2 first came out and have self taught my self using tutorials on the internet. I was a complete beginner not knowing how to even navigate Photoshop let alone create something. So what did i do? I went to that great thing we call internet and started searching all over for tutorials on how to use Photoshop. 
The best way I foundt to learn Photoshop was to jump right in with tutorials on how to create art in Photoshop. Now I cant give you every tutorial I used to help me learn because I don't even know where to begin to look for all the ones i used since they have been lost to time, but I can give you some that have helped me along the way.

So now without further ado i present,
 "14 Great Tutorials Using Photoshop"
This one helped me learn how to mask in Photoshop!

This one helped me to learn certain tools!
This one helped teach me about retouching up photos!!

This one was helped me when i was looking all over the internet on how to install the brushes I needed from other tutorials!

This one helped me with Layers!
This helped me create scales on skin and change color of the hair!
 This one taught me how to color eyes and make them look amazing!

The rest of the Tutorials in Part 2!

Glamour Model
Glamour Model

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Made It - Galaxy In A Jar

Here is my diy "GALAXY IN A JAR"

Mine turned out with really pastel colors instead of the like the picture that had darker colors.
My suggestion is to use dark color paint and add a lot of it to the water. :)
It was fun and easy to make but messy to clean up :)

"Show Me Yours"
Have you done this tutorial? Tell me about it in the comments and post a link so we can see your crafty creation!!

Product Reveiw - Dylusions Ink Sprays

Dylusions Ink Spray

 I would like to talk about this product and review it. 
First the description of the product on is as follows-

 Dylusions Ink Spray dyes are a high quality, acid-free, non-toxic concentrated colorant for porous surfaces. The Dylusions Ink Sprays' bright and vibrant palette will colorize paper, Sticky Back Canvas, wood, paper, clay and more. Use to create backgrounds on cards, scrapbook and journal pages, and in mixed media art projects.
Available in 24 splendid colors.
  • Concentrated colorant for porous surfaces
  • 24 bright and vibrant colors
  • Acid free and non-toxic
  • Fine mist sprayer
The Review: The product is a great Ink Spray because it reacts to water unlike some other sprays that use dye ink. When using two sprays in different colors on paper and then spraying them with water, the colors blend and make cool patterns. They come 2 to a pack in your local art stores and work great with stencils. The only downside is that it takes awhile to dry so you have to use a heat gun to get it to dry faster. The best tutorial i found on using this product is here.

*Where you can Buy*

These are just some of the links i would do a search to find the best prices near you.
 Have you tried out this product? If so leave your comments below on your experience I would love to hear it. :)